Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Different Purposes SafetyTac Corners And Other Floor Markers Serve In Work Sites

safety and industrial visual cuesIf it is first your first time to enter a large warehouse, manufacturing, industrial or construction worksite, you will surely notice many marking or signs on the floor. And these floor signs serve a number of varying purposes. Some may be too vague or complex for you easily and immediately understand but most of them convey really simple and basic instructions that are important for you to heed and follow.

For starters, if you are entering a high- risk or volatile area, you will immediately see signs on the floor that you are about to enter one. When you see a floor marking that shouts “Danger: Arc Flash Hazard!” and the like, you will immediately know that you need to proceed with caution and act extra carefully when you will be entering such room. Or you might not even want to enter the area at all, thanks to that very special floor marking.
online source for industrial visual remindersIn relation to this, floor signs convey specific rules and policies that need to be followed and obeyed religiously. Daily operations in any work site will certainly go smoother and of course, safer when all these important signs are followed. Simple yet significant signs such as “No Smoking”, “Keep Clear” and “Hard Hat Area” all communicate basic and easy to comprehend guidelines that will ensure the safety of all employees and people in the area and at the same time will not hamper the on-going operations.

Floor signs also provide correct directions or routes for people to take. These markers actually help to direct traffic in work areas. In a large or even small work site, people and different machines will be moving around a work site all day so it is quite important to have a system for directing a safe and suitable route or path each one is supposed to use or take to avoid the occurrences of impediments, collisions, and potential accidents. And these floor markers that provide directions, such as arrows, can also directly convey to visitors or new employees the correct and safe path to take as well.
high-quality floor tapes

Lastly, floor markers directly point to specific material, supplies or equipment storage. Floor tapes, such as SafetyTac corners, can specify where different item and products are supposed to go and stored so that retrieving and returning them will be quick and easy. And when these proper storage reminders and guidelines are followed to the dot, organization and safety target goals will certainly be easier to meet and achieve.

Source: is a website with a wide range of commonly used floor signs for safety, ergonomic and 5s or 6s principle uses applicable in any kind of industry.


  1. I'm very observant when I do visit warehouses and industrial factories. And you're right, floor markers are staples there. Thanks for pointing out the purposes they serve in such areas.

  2. I haven't had the chance to visit large warehouses or industrial sites but I will certainly heed those floor warning signs! And I'm sure all the employees there do this as well. But thanks for pointing out the important reasons why we should pay attention to floor signs.

  3. Thanks for sharing this post. I also visited the link you shared and I'm pretty impressed with their range of products. I will recommend your blog site and your source to friends who are looking for floor tapes for use in their work areas.

  4. It's good reading about the uses of such items or products. Though many people regard them as simple items or usual staples that are just regularly seen around, they do serve a higher and more important purpose. And I'm really glad you shared them here.
